Next Day Delivery
Deliver your Product safely within 24 hours
Same Day Delivery
Deliver Anything from Point A to B in UAE, fastly!
Return/Fetch Service
We will provide services to Fetch & Return your parcel
Scheduled Delivery Service
We deliver your parcel on Scheduled date & on Scheduled pointWe've made a promise, to keep up with your packed schedule.
We change the way you access the world from the plam of your hand. For all your needs from here to there, big and small, to pick or drop, We'll make it easy for you.
Point to Point
delivery for anything
We pickup and drop anythings.
The easy way to send and receive items in UAE.
Services That We Offer
Industries We Deal With
Docments Deliveries
Charity Deliveries
Frequently Ask Questions
Yes, we provide delivery solutions from Dubai to the ksa.
Yes, we provide the fastest COD remittance, with COD being remitted every week.
Yes, we provide delivery solutions from Dubai to KSA, as well as KSA domestically.
Yes, we provide warehouse solutions.

We provide a range of solutions for our clients. Please feel free to get in touch with your account manager for further details.
Dubai and KSA domestically, we provide next day delivery. From Dubai to KSA (International Delivery) we will deliver within 3-5 working days.
Yes, we do have our own CS Team and the SMS is sent to the customer at every stage.